Passionate about providing worldclass supply chain management services!
Our services are positioned towards growth and refinement.
Our Products
- Bitumen
- Bituminous Products
- Modified Binders
- Bitumen rubber
- Dust suppression
- Crack sealants
- Lubricants

Bitumen Penetration Grade 60/70 is a standard penetration grade Bitumen usually used as a Paving Grade Bitumen suitable for road construction and for production of asphalt.
Usage: This grade of Bitumen is mainly used in the manufacture of hot mix asphalt for bases. 60/70 is a semi-hard penetration grade and is suitable for areas with warm weather conditions.
Usage: This grade of Bitumen is mainly used in the manufacture of hot mix asphalt for bases. 60/70 is a semi-hard penetration grade and is suitable for areas with warm weather conditions.
Usage: 70/100 Penetration Grade Bitumen is used in the construction of single seals, double seals, and Cape seals, either as a tack coat or penetration spray. It can also be used as a base material for manufacturing emulsions and polymer modified binders.

Environmental Prime is a low viscosity emulsion with reduced drying time. Its low viscosity enables rapid penetrate through these materials to a depth of 3 to 8 mm. The product is brown but rapidly changes to a black colour after application.
Usage: It can be used as a prime on natural gravel, crushed stone and cement treated base coarse materials.
Usage: It can be used as a prime on natural gravel, crushed stone and cement treated base coarse materials.
MS 250 (Asphalt Additives)
MS 250 is a specially formulated medium set anionic premix grade bitumen emulsion for the manufacture of cold asphalt mixes in a hotmix asphalt plant.
Usage: MS 250 emulsion can be used for the manufacture of continuously or open
graded cold asphalt mixes in a hotmix drum- or batch plant.
Usage: MS 250 emulsion can be used for the manufacture of continuously or open
graded cold asphalt mixes in a hotmix drum- or batch plant.
SS60 stable grade is a low viscosity anionic slow set bitumen emulsion.
Usage: SS60 stable grade is used mainly as a cold applied binder for manufacturing slurry mixtures. SS60 stable grade can also be diluted with water and applied onto aged seals as an enrichment spray or tack coat for asphalt overlaying.
Usage: SS60 stable grade is used mainly as a cold applied binder for manufacturing slurry mixtures. SS60 stable grade can also be diluted with water and applied onto aged seals as an enrichment spray or tack coat for asphalt overlaying.
MC30 & MC10 (Cutbacks)
MC30/MC1O is a blend of Illuminating paraffin and penetration grade bitumen.
Usage: It can be used for priming crushed stone or natural gravel base courses. Its
low viscosity enables it to penetrate up to 10 mm of the base course with the aid of
the cutter.
Colseal is a
Usage: It can be used for priming crushed stone or natural gravel base courses. Its
low viscosity enables it to penetrate up to 10 mm of the base course with the aid of
the cutter.
Colseal is a
Colseal is a pre-mixed slurry seal for sealing and patch repairs.
Usage: It's ideal for sealing pre-surface dressing patches and can also be used for covering score marks and for the treatment of driveways.
Usage: It's ideal for sealing pre-surface dressing patches and can also be used for covering score marks and for the treatment of driveways.
CMS 60 & 65
65 are medium viscosity, cationic rapid-set bitumen emulsions.
Usage: It can be used mainly as tack coat or penetration sprays in single, double or cape seals. They can also be diluted with water and applied as cover sprays newly
constructed seals.
Usage: It can be used mainly as tack coat or penetration sprays in single, double or cape seals. They can also be diluted with water and applied as cover sprays newly
constructed seals.
MC30 & MC10 (Cutbacks)
MC30/MC1O is a blend of Illuminating paraffin and penetration grade bitumen.
Usage: It can be used for priming crushed stone or natural gravel base courses. Its
low viscosity enables it to penetrate up to 10 mm of the base course with the aid of
the cutter.
Colseal is a
Usage: It can be used for priming crushed stone or natural gravel base courses. Its
low viscosity enables it to penetrate up to 10 mm of the base course with the aid of
the cutter.
Colseal is a

AE-1 AE-2 (For Asphalt)
A penetration grade bitumen modified with SBS polymer.
Usage: Used as a rut resistant binder for asphalt, It is suitable for use on pavements with high deflections and open graded mixes such as asphalt that requires high binder content Ranging from 4.5-5.5 % Binder Content.
Usage: Used as a rut resistant binder for asphalt, It is suitable for use on pavements with high deflections and open graded mixes such as asphalt that requires high binder content Ranging from 4.5-5.5 % Binder Content.
A high viscosity cationic spray grade bitumen emulsion modified with 3% or 5% SBR latex.
Usage: Mainly used in cold/wet climates for resealing roads with surface cracks without pre-treatment.
Usage: Mainly used in cold/wet climates for resealing roads with surface cracks without pre-treatment.
Penetration grade bitumen modified with EVAton polymer.
Usage: Suitable for use on highways where heavy traffic is involved and there is a high risk of fuel spillage, such as: Intersections and on and off ramps, bus depots
and stops.
Usage: Suitable for use on highways where heavy traffic is involved and there is a high risk of fuel spillage, such as: Intersections and on and off ramps, bus depots
and stops.
SE-1 SE-2 (Spray grade)
A 70/100 penetration grade bitumen modified with SBS polymer.
Usage: Used mainly for resealing roads with active surface longitudinal and crocodile cracks < 5 mm, as a Stress Absorbing Membrane Interlayer (SAMI) to prevent cracks
from reflecting through the overlaying asphalt layers and in chip seals.
Usage: Used mainly for resealing roads with active surface longitudinal and crocodile cracks < 5 mm, as a Stress Absorbing Membrane Interlayer (SAMI) to prevent cracks
from reflecting through the overlaying asphalt layers and in chip seals.

A-R1 / A-R2 & S-R1 / S-R2
A non-homogenous binder manufactured from 70/100 penetration grade bitumen modified with a high percentage of rubber crumbs.
Usage: Mainly for resealing roads with active surface cracks > 5 mm. Also suitable for use in stress absorbing membrane
Interlayers (SAMI) to help reduce reflective cracking.
Usage: Mainly for resealing roads with active surface cracks > 5 mm. Also suitable for use in stress absorbing membrane
Interlayers (SAMI) to help reduce reflective cracking.

SS 30
SS 30 stable grade is a low viscosity anionic slow set bitumen emulsion. SS 30 stable grade is used mainly as a cold applied binder for dust suppression.
ZycoBond is a UV & heat stable technology that offers long-term dust suppression. It chemically bonds the dust particles, thereby offering excellent dust control and erosion resistance for agricultural lands and construction. Additionally, it also provides a strong waterproofing effect to the soil.

SBR latex modified mineral filled bitumen emulsion cold pour crack sealant. Suitable for sealing cracks of medium activity with a width of less than 5 mm. The product can be
applied cold and diluted with water if required.
applied cold and diluted with water if required.

- Gear oils
- Engen oils
- Emission fluids
- Coolants
- Brake fluids
- Engen oils
- Emission fluids
- Coolants
- Brake fluids
- Heat transfer oils
- Hydraulic fluids
- Penetrating Lubricants
- Process Oils
- Hydraulic fluids
- Penetrating Lubricants
- Process Oils